This spell removes all webs and disease from the party. Major Cleansing This spell returns the party to Fort Emergence, where you began the game. Because of the danger of teleporting from narrow, windy tunnels, it can only be cast outdoors. Word of Recall This spell creates a wall of the most damaging (and long lasting) of the magic walls. Rotate the wall by hitting space. Wall of Blades This spell temporarily makes the caster an invulnerable, incredibly powerful avatar of the gods. Avatar The most powerful offensive priest spell. It delivers a stunning blow of force to all beings within two spaces of the targeted space. Divine Thud Like raise dead, but much more effective, and works on even a dusted character. It also has a smaller chance of lowering the character's stats. It still requires Resurrection Balm to cast. Resurrect Demons are resistant to most magic. This spell gives them a blow which usually does a lot of damage. The chance of success increases with the level of the caster. Ravage Spirit When cast, the party receives a powerful healing (increasing with level of the caster) and has poison cured as well. Revive All This spell afflicts everyone within eight spaces with an effective but slow-acting disease. Pestilence A very unusual and effective spell for a party on the defensive. The caster is surrounded by several layers of magical fields, which fend off anyone attacking. Protective Circle When cast, all creatures within eight spaces of the caster have a chance of coming under his/her control. Mass Charm This spell summons a powerful, invisible being to fight on the side of the party. Be careful not to damage it by mistake! Summon Guardian Certain rare monsters can turn one of your characters to stone. This valuable spell undoes the damage. Destone This powerful instantly wakes up any sleeping characters in the party. What's more, it provides total resistance to magical sleep for a short time. Finally, it speeds back up any slowed character. Hyperactivity This spell heals all damage and cures all poison for one PC. Revive Like the Heal spell, but affects the whole party. Very efficient. Heal All All magical walls, etc. in the large area affected by this spell will be dispelled. It has a small chance of affecting quickfire. Dispel Fields This spell strikes every space adjacent to the party with a Move Mountains spell. Shatter This powerful spell summons four spirits, and a magical being to lead them. They then fight on the side of the caster for a little while. Summon Host This spell hides all PCs (like a sanctuary spell). As before, the effect for a PC is voided when that PC attacks. Mass Sanctuary The first area of affect offensive priest spell. It chars all beings adjacent to the space you target. The damage done increases with level. Flamestrike This spell returns a body to life. You need Resurrection Balm to cast this. There is a small chance (decreasing with level) that it turns the body to dust. A dusted character can only be raised with a Resurrect spell. Raising a PC reduces his/her stats. Raise Dead Works like the Heal spell, but gives much more bang for the spell points. Major Heal Much like Bless, but affects everyone. Bless Party When cast, for a short time everyone in the party can walk across lava with no damage. The duration increases slowly with the level of the caster. Firewalk This spell purifies the recipient. The beneficiary is completely unwebbed, and all disease is cured. Cleanse When something strikes the recipient of this spell in hand-to-hand combat, it takes as much damage as the victim. The duration of this spell increases with the level of the caster. Martyr's Shield This spell summons a bunch of snakes to aid the party. Skillful casters have a chance of getting asps instead of the weaker giant snakes. Sticks to Snakes Occasionally, you will put on an item which then refuses to be taken off. Casting this spell has a chance of removing the curse. Remove Curse Deals a deadly blow to the targeted undead nasty. Chance of having effect increases with level. Dispel Undead Causes all monsters within ten spaces to receive a powerful curse. Curse All Causes everyone to become less poisoned. Useful for dealing with those nasty swamps. Cure All Poison This spell fires a number of bolts of divinely inspired cold, the number of which increases with the level of the caster. To cast without using all the target, hit space. Smite This spell completely unfeebleminds the recipient. Restore Mind Casting this spell on a PC cures all his/her disease. Cure Disease This spell fills an area with walls of force, which are fairly damaging and reasonably long lasting. Forcefield This spell magically creates a lot of food for the party. Manna This spell instantly removes the effects of paralysis. Cure Paralysis This spell causes all other living things to appear on your map for a short time. Note, however, that this spell only detects creatures in areas you have explored. Detect Life This spell gives the victim a powerful curse, the effect of which increases with the level of the caster. Holy Scourge Casts one minor heal on each PC. Light Heal All A much better version of Minor Heal. Heal Casting this on a sleeping character instantly wakes that character up. Awaken The victim of this spell is afflicted by a disease, which slowly weakens it. The disease lasts a long time. Disease This spell has a chance of making the target monster start to fight for the party. The chance of it working drops sharply with the level of the monster. Charm Foe When cast on a fragile wall or outcropping of rock, the wall or outcropping crumbles into rubble. It doesn't work on all walls. Move Mountains This spell summons a shade from the netherworld to aid you. It will disappear after a short time. Summon Spirit Deals a painful blow to the targeted victim. The damage increases with your level. Wound Creates a short duration magical light source. Light The opposite of bless. It makes everything much worse for the victim, for a time. Hitting someone with this spell several times vastly increases the effect. Curse Like Weaken Poison, but better. Its effect increases with the level of the caster. Cure Poison Like Minor Bless, but better. Its effect increases with the level of the caster. Bless The victim of this spell moves slower and has worse attacks for a short time. Stumble When cast on a location filled with evil magic, the location receives a blessing. This might drive out the evil magic. Then again, it might not. Ritual - Sanctify Casting this spell gives the party a little more food. Minor Manna This spell has the caster absorb the damage taken by another character. The higher the level, the less damage the caster takes per health point healed. Symbiosis The target of this spell becomes magically shielded. For a time, monsters probably won't be able to attack him/her. The effects disappears when the PC attacks someone. Sanctuary Returns the party’s x-y location in the town. Location When cast on an undead creature, it usually does a reasonable amount of damage to it. It has no effect on non-undead. Turn Undead Reduces the amount of poison running around in the veins of the selected PC. Weaken Poison Increases the health of the selected PC a small amount, up to the PCs maximum health. Minor Heal Makes the character harder to hit and take less damage from blows. It also makes the PC hit more often, and his or her blows do more damage. Its effects decay with time. Minor Bless